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CatalogIt Basics

136 bytes removed, 30 September
== Web Publishing ==
CatalogIt has several features that allow you to share your collection with anyone that has an internet collection. CatalogIt’s The HUB, WordPress plugin, iFrame integration, or API plugin make allows your collection publicly accessible, discoverable, searchable, and more to publish to the [ widely accessibleCatalogIt HUB] while our API subscription allows you to publish directly to your own website.]
'''The HUB'''
'''API Integration'''
With an additional subscription to the CatalogIt API, CatalogIt can provide provides users with our API and iFrame integration or our WordPress plugin, enabling them to publish directly to their own public website, seamlessly and attractively.
* To add API to your subscription, go to the Main Menu (three lines in the top left corner), Settings, and then Subscriptions.


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