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CatalogIt Basics

28 bytes added, 24 September
'''Customized Numbering Patterns''': If you are using a different numbering convention, it must follow a regular pattern. The numbering patterns use the following building blocks:
:Y - ''4 digit year'':M{1,2} - ''month, zeroed filled to number of specified digits'':D{1,2} - ''day, zeroed filled to number of specified digits'':d or ddd - 1 ''to 3 digit day of the year (1-365) (should be only 1 or 3 digits; 3 digits zero fills)'':N+ - ''auto incrementing number, zeroed filled to number of specified digits (i.e. N or NNN or NNNNN => 1 or 001 or 0001)'':a+ - ''auto incrementing lowercase string, a filled to number of specified digits'':A+ - ''auto incrementing uppercase string, A filled to number of specified digits''
Letters can be prepended to any of the patterns, e.g. “L” for loans, “Q” for acquisitions, “FIC” for found in collection, or “D” for deaccessioned entries.
