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CatalogIt Basics

173 bytes added, 22:48, 10 May 2022
With CatalogIt multiple users can view and edit the same account at the same time to collaborate on the Entries and Profiles. You can add and remove users and control the level of access each user has.
To add users to your account, an Account Owner just needs to send an email to [[]] with the email address of each person they'd like to add. We will add them as "read-only" users, and for eachthe Owner can then log in, go to Settings, then Collaborators, and change the level of access by clicking on the edit pencil next to the user. The access that person should havelevels currently available are:
* Owner: Can do everything. Can manage account-level settings: subscription, default settings, and name, and can request that we add or remove users.

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